The People's House

January 24, 2024 @ 5:30 pm 6:30 pm

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens in the State House? Have you wanted to talk with one of your elected officials but are unsure how to set up a meeting, or intimidated by what that conversation might look like?

You're not alone! Too often, the legislative process feels inaccessible to the everyday voter, but the truth is that the State House is the people's house -- and everyone should feel empowered to speak up and engage there. That's why we're hosting a virtual discussion to demystify legislative advocacy in Vermont.

We'll discuss the legislative process and explain how to contact your Representatives and Senators. We'll also show you how to navigate the legislative website to track bills and find out how your elected officials are voting.

Attendees will hear directly from ACLU of Vermont advocacy team members and walk away with resources for engaging with the legislative process and holding your elected officials accountable.